HoneyBroiled Pears
HoneyBroiled Pears
Serves: 2
Sure, you could just eat a ripe pear, but sometimes you need something a little more special. Also, we all need uses for hard pears, as their perfectly ripe moment can come and go so fast, we often miss it, and then must sadly throw the fruit away.
Calorie: 130, Proteins: 1 g, Total Fat: 0 g, Fiber: 5 g.


1 tsp nonstick spray for the pan 2 each medium-size firm pears 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice or lime juice (approximately) 1 Tbs honey (any kind) (approximately)


Preheat the broiler to 500°F and move the oven rack to the highest position. Generously spray a glass pie pan with nonstick spray. Cut the pears in half lengthwise, and remove and discard the cores. Slice each one into about six long pieces, and place them cut-side-up in the prepared pan. Broil the pears for 5 to 8 minutes, depending on ripeness. (This is a very subjective process.) When the edges of the slices are tinged with a lovely golden color, and you hear sizzling, remove the pan from the broiler. Push the pear slices together toward the center of the pie pan, and drizzle with about a tablespoon each of lime or lemon juice and honey. (This will be imprecise, as some of the lime juice and honey will hit the pan and sizzle. That is actually desirable.) Return the pan to the broiler. After another minute or two, remove from the broiler and swish the pieces around (they will slide), and let as much of their cut surface as possible come in contact with the pan. Return to the broiler for about 2 more minutes. Watch them carefully, so the pears don't burn. When the pears become exquisitely golden and crisp, they are ready to remove from the broiler. Cool in the pan, then serve warm or at room temperature.

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