Roasted Sesame Green Beans
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Try these as a side dish with grilled meat or fish.
Calorie: 137, Proteins: 4 g, Total Fat: 8 g, Fiber: 3.80 g, Sugar 4 g.
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Spread the green beans in a shallow
baking dish and sprinkle with garlic, olive oil, and salt, stirring to distribute the
ingredients. Roast the beans for 20 minutes, stirring once after 10 minutes, until they are
tender but not limp. Cool thoroughly.
Combine the yogurt, sesame oil, coriander, and sesame seeds. Season
with salt as desired. Mix the cooled beans with the yogurt dressing, tossing to blend. Serve
at room temperature or chilled. The dish can be prepared in advance and refrigerated for up to
two days.
Dark sesame seasoning oil is sold in small bottles in the Asian section
of most grocery stores. Do not substitute ordinary sesame cooking oil, which is light in color
and usually sold in larger bottles.