Fantastic Halibut
Fantastic Halibut
Serves: 4
Absolutely delicious! Start to marinate the fish at least two hours before you plan to serve it.
Calorie: 446, Proteins: 32 g, Total Fat: 34 g, Fiber: 0.40 g, Sugar 0 g.


3 cloves garlic, minced 1 Tbs olive oil 1/4 cup basil, fresh, chopped 1 tsp salt (sea salt if on a corn-free diet*) 1 tsp pepper 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1 lbs 0g) halibut fillets, or steaks


Combine all ingredients except for fish in a shallow dish large enough to hold the halibut. Place fish in the dish and marinate for at least two hours, turning once or twice. Remove fish from marinade and broil or grill for about 5 minutes on each side (10 minutes total per inch (2.5cm) of thickness). Transfer fish to a serving dish. Heat remaining marinade in the microwave for one minute; then pour over fish. Serve while hot. Serve with rice or couscous.

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