Have a Happy and Natural Passover
by:Eliza Hurwitz
We added a fifth question to Passover this year.   If you’re already giving up leavened food, why not go all out and celebrate Passover, the natural, healthy way? We all know it doesn’t feel good to overindulge, and sometimes we can do it on the unleavened sweets to compensate for lack of bread, cakes, cereal, and all that good stuff! I know I have had my fair share of stomach aches and the inability to button my jeans after a Passover Seder (sound familiar?).  Eating natural foods at Passover can help stop that over indulgence because natural foods are SOOO good!
Passover is about sacrifice but the one thing you don't have to sacrifice when eating natural, is taste.  There are so many delicious, nutritious, and natural foods out there that are absolutely kosher for Passover. Manischewitz has a whole section dedicated to natural Passover foods.  http://www.manischewitz.com/health_corner/index.php.  Foods like whole grain matzo meal, whole-wheat matzo, and whole grain farfel not only sound delicious, but they are rich in fiber, vitamins and protein, and will actually keep you feeling more satisfied longer. This means you won’t feel the need to get that second helping of dinner or dessert.
Yes, it is much easier to find processed foods at the grocery store rather than deal with the fuss of all natural foods. But really, does your body need all those preservatives?   It is so much more satisfying to explore healthy food options and create wholesome recipes. If you have kids, then what better way to teach them how to cook and eat nutritiously than by sticking to natural ingredients?  While using pre-packaged mixes enables one to save time and cut corners, it isn't as much fun to prepare, and is certainly less healthy for everyone. 
Finally, the last reason for going all-natural for Passover, is because…you deserve it. You deserve to feel and look your best. You deserve to nourish your body with healthful nutrients, and you deserve to feel one hundred percent healthy and happy. The holidays are about celebrating life and spending time with loved ones. There is no better way to celebrate life than by eating naturally, healthily, and happily. So, for your Seder try out our natural recipes and celebrate (deliciously) your well- being!
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