Y’all certainly know a thing or two about hearty breakfasts and portable lunches. Thanks so much for all the recommendations! It seems as though overnight oats seem to be the fan favorite; which is exactly what I have marinating in the fridge right now for tomorrow morning 
A lot of you also asked me how Toy Story 3 was. One word: Magical. Gingie was apprehensive to go see it (understandably so, I suppose going to see a rated G movie isn’t the manliest thing for a 21 year old guy to do) but I think he may have loved it more than I did. He was quoting it in the entire day!
After the movie, I came home to whip up a lovely lunch compliments of Caitlin, yet again. I kind of want to be her, or marry her, though I’m not sure how her and the hubs feel about polygamy. Kidding, definitely kidding.
What was I saying? Oh, the food.
Flax encrusted sweet potato balls
with a side of sundried tomato polenta panfried with a bit of EVOO, veggies, almond butter, crackers, and a salad.
Oh how I will miss my lovely sit down lunches. Okay, I’m totally being over dramatic. I only work 3-4 days a week which leaves plenty of time for prime foodie-ing.
**Do you have any food flax seed recipes? I finally decided to buy some and I am so addicted!**
Alrighty, pies, I am off to catch some z’s before work in the morning. Wish me luck!
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