My afternoon yesterday was filled with a whole ‘lotta newness. Accordingly, I had originally planned on entitling my post “newbie”, until I realized that it was Tuesday, availing me the opportunity to play the word hybrid rhyming game.
Thus, [news]day.
Now that we’re on the same page, care to see the new things that integrated themselves my life yesterday?
new food swag

vanilla coconut milk and vega smoothie
which promptly made their way in a new [to me] recipe.

2 minute chocolate mug cake
(a de-veganized adaptation of the Fitnessista’s recipe)
*The protein powder and coconut milk sweetened the batter up a lot, so I didn’t need to add any extra sweetener, but it may vary depending on the ingredients you use and your preferences.
I didn’t have any chocolate chips on hand so I made my own.

Improvisation is my game.
Mix dry, mix wet, combine – and top with chocolate chips

I actually only microwaved it for 1 minute 30 seconds, but “2 minute chocolate mug cake” sounds so much better than “1.5 minute chocolate mug cake“, no?
This was more like a fudge than a cake. The former being much more preferable in my opinion. 
On the side I drank (drunk?) er...sipped upon some warm frothy milk mixed with stevia

My soul was so comforted.

after the fact I went out to score some new duds

but we’ll talk more about these later…
came home and grabbed a new snack

is it just me or is french toast exponentially more enjoyable when eaten in stick form? (and topped with peanut butter.. but everything’s exponentially more enjoyable when eaten with peanut butter. ‘Tis a fact of life)
and later in the evening indulged myself with the new episode of Pretty Little Liars which certainly did not dissapoint. Spekaing of which, did anyone else watch? Let me know if you want to chatski about it
Oh, and of course, the highlight of my [news]day was reading all of the new comments from my new readers. Okay that’s a lie, the highlight was definitely the chocolate cake.. which just speaks volumes to how good it really was.
Seriously though, thank you to all of the readers who have been “delurking” lately. It’s so nice to “meet” you
Let’s be friends?!
What’s “new” in your life? Any recent new purchases?
New favorite recipes?
Any good “news”
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