You know that stereotype that all women are bad drivers?
Yeah, I’m the reason why that stereotype exists.

if you wanna come and take a ride with me…[I'd think twice]
Since becoming a licensed driver at the ripe old age of 16, I’ve gotten in to one serious accident that was completely 100% my fault, acquired a few nicks and dents, and although I’ve been declared to be the slowest driver on the planet on several different occasions, I’ve also wracked up two speeding tickets (one of which was $300. Apparently New York State doesn’t actually support living life in the fast lane)

Although I [not so] secretly envy my sister’s ride..

….I’ve grown to love, err… accept, my charming little 1996 Toyota Corolla.
and to be honest, I don’t know if I’d trust myself behind the wheel of anything that wasn’t free (I inherited my car from Grandma, which makes me so grateful!)
Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? It’s funny, whenever I tell Gingie how bad of a driver I am, he always laughs and says that “driving is the one thing that everyone thinks they’re good at”. It’s so true. I’ve learn to accept my shortcomings though.
What kind of car do you drive?
What’s your dream car? I’m not picky really. In fact, I’m a total dud when it comes to car and probably wouldn’t know a Mazaradi from a Ford. I would just kill for anything with automatic locks and windows. Ah, dare to dream.
Off to do the breakfast thing 
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