No truer words have been spoken, especially when we take in to account yesterday’s contender for my smoothie challenge – inspired by one of the greatest loves of my life:
keychain compliments of the other love of my life. 

Peanut Butter and Jelly smoothie. Y’all had to know this was coming.
- 1 serving (30g) vanilla protein powder
- 1/2 cup vanilla almond breeze
- handful of frozen raspberries
- tbsp of maranatha PB
- sweetener to taste
- xanthan/guar gum

Topped with raspberry galaxy granola and crushed pretzels (’cause let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be a PB&J without carbs)

This smoothie embodies my childhood.
Although today is technically the last day of my “smoothie challenge” I still have several more ideas in mind. So, I shall continue my adventures in protein ice creaming making until I run out of steam, or xanthan gum – whichever comes first.
- Did you have a signature lunch when you were younger? I’m pretty sure 99% of my lunches in elementary school consisted of a PB&J sandwich with dunkaroos, gushers, and an apple (packed in the quintessential LLBean lunch box). The other 1% of the time was when mom let me buy lunch on “chicken fry” day, aka – the highlight of every child’s week.
Speaking of children, I’m off to spend my day getting paid to play with a few youngin’s at the beach. Have I mentioned how much I love my job?
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