PB Jenny

hey there friends and thank you so much for visiting my page =) In a few short words I am a 19 year old English major at Sacred Heart University with a passion for family, love, creativity, yoga, and i kind of like peanut butter too ;). Sure, those are just a few tidbits about me but what is the story of the girl behind the jar?

a rare breed 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 6:56:19 PM


Last night I sent out an SOS on twitter for single-serve recipes.

Per usual, my lovely blog friends came to my rescue with plenty of link love and inspiration.

One recommendation, however, sucked me in immediately.

Did someone say peanut butter chocolate lava cake? Count me in.


I followed Lauren’s recipe exactly but poured the batter in a cupcake tin and ate the rest raw :) (which was just as, if not more, enjoyable than the cooked version)

topped it with almond butter and raw cacao beans.

A few notes about this meal:

  • It was good.
  • like, really really really ridiculously good.
  • Raw cacao beans are bitter and do not taste as good as you’d imagine. What a waste of $12
  • If I was a good blogger I would have taken a picture of the ooey gooey chocolatey center, but I was too indulged to peel myself away from eating.
  • I’m a bad blogger.


For some reason this breakfast made me laugh a little bit. Not in a “ha ha” way, but more of a “imagine how ridiculous you would sound if someone asked you what you had for breakfast today” kind of way.


Hey Jenny, what’d you eat this morning?

Oh, you know, just a single serve peanut butter chocolate lava cake with berries, almond butter, and raw cacao beans. What about you?

Um, toast.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – us bloggies are a rare breed.

What is the “bloggiest” food you’ve been loving a of late?


Enjoy the afternoon, my friendlets! It’s a gorgeous one :)

For more posts, please visit www.peanutbutterjenny.com

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