PB Jenny

hey there friends and thank you so much for visiting my page =) In a few short words I am a 19 year old English major at Sacred Heart University with a passion for family, love, creativity, yoga, and i kind of like peanut butter too ;). Sure, those are just a few tidbits about me but what is the story of the girl behind the jar?

coffee talk 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 5:15:32 PM


I love coffee.

Like, REALLY love coffee

So much so that I have a Keurig in my room…

A one cup coffee machine in the kitchen…

and this Bodum travel french press.

You know, for all of those times when I need to make three cups at once.

Okay, my coffee drinking definitely isn’t excessive as it sounds. I don’t rely on coffee to power me through the day, and rarely drink more than one cup per morning (though my coffee consumption usually happens behind the scenes of breakfast photography)

I sip the bean for the sake of enjoyment rather than stimulation and can definitely get through a day with out it – but where’s the fun in that?

As far as brands and varieties, my palate goes through phases.

Recently I have been infatuated with the bold, rich flavor of Newman’s Own organics extra bold. Occasionally I will dabble in the Green Mountain flavor variety pack that my mom got me for Christmas (caramel vanilla cream is my favorite!) but sometimes they can be a little too sweet for me in the morning (says the girl who eats chocolate for breakfast 6 out of 7 days of of the week).

My all time favorite brand of coffee is actually Dunkin Donuts but for some reason they have yet to jump on the Keurig K-Cup bandwagon. They really need to get with the program.

Lately I’ve actually been finding a profound enjoyment in drinking my coffee black, but when my palate is feeling a little more resistant to the bitterness, I opt for pinch of almond milk, cinnamon, and stevia.

Quick tip: add your coffee mix-ins to your cup BEFORE you pour the coffee in. I usually warm about 2 splashes of almond milk with a pinch of stevia and cinnamon in the microwave for 20 seconds, then brew my coffee right in to the milk mixture. I think it dissolves easier this way and warming the milk first prevents curdling.

Ah, one of life’s simplest pleasures.

Are you a coffee drinker? What’s your favorite brand? Do you prefer flavored coffees? How do you like to drink yours?


Enjoy the day, my friends!

For more posts, please visit www.peanutbutterjenny.com!

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