PB Jenny

hey there friends and thank you so much for visiting my page =) In a few short words I am a 19 year old English major at Sacred Heart University with a passion for family, love, creativity, yoga, and i kind of like peanut butter too ;). Sure, those are just a few tidbits about me but what is the story of the girl behind the jar?

movin' and munchin' 

Monday, March 14, 2011 4:56:21 PM


Mis amores! What’s going on?!

Today’s post is inspired by the brilliance Carrie over at Moves n’ Munchies because she’s absolutely wonderful and I love her like whoa.


This morning I awoke to another lovely day with a full bladder and an empty stomach.Both issues were addressed immediately, though not at the same time.

Necessary bathrooming ensued and then I filled my tummy with some…





This breakfast, oh dear me, this breakfast. Carrie – you’re brilliant. I made this little gem’s inside out peanut butter cake with a few minor alterations

  • 1/4 cup peanut flour
  • 2 Tbsp spelt flour
  • about 1/3 mashed banana
  • vanilla extract
  • cinnamon to taste
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • milk added until it reaches desired consistency (between 1/4-1/2 cup)

Topped with a fudgie (1 Tbsp cocoa powder + 1 tsp maple syrup + a little too much milk = more of a chocolate “sauce” than fudgie. I did not mind this) and almond butter.

I also had a bowl of oats, wheat germ, & flaxseed meal, which drenched with almond milk post photography-session to avoid sogging (verb: for cereal to become soggy)

After breakfast and allowing for ample digestion time, I trotted off to the gym for some ..


Today’s workout was a new-to-me lifting plan. I bought this book the other day from Borders as a resource for incorporating more strength training in to my life and am really pleased with it so far. There’s a ton of complete workout plans (including how many days to lift/week, which exercises to do with each workout, etc.) and a lot of detailed pictures demonstrating the moves (though I could do without the super rock hard slender models, but unfortunately I suppose that’s part of the advertising game). I opted to do the 12 week split training program that looks like this

  • Weeks 1-3: Whole-body split
  • Weeks 4-6: Upper/Lower-Body
  • Weeks 7-9: Push/Pull/Legs
  • Weeks 10-12: Four-day

I tend to have commitment issues to anything other than Gingie (hello, other blog) so we’ll see how long this lasts. The workout today rocked my buns off though (literally and figuratively).

Technically the workout probably should have only taken me about 40 minutes, but somehow I always end up extending my time at the gym. I attribute this to my machines being occupied, frequent bathroom breaks, and creeper-status people watching between sets.

Speaking of people watching, is anyone else amused by how many people watch Food Network while they’re working out? I don’t know about you but the last thing I want to see while working out is an ooey gooey butter cake or a stack of ri-COAT-a pancakes.

After a longer-than-planned session of strength training and staring, I jetted home to throw together some the quickest lunch possible.


two slizes of ezekial, cottage cheese, chia seeds, veggies, + FSTG chips.

paper platin’ it. Sorry trees.

I dominated both plates, sat through a 2 hour long advanced composition class, then came back home for some Birthday fun with the roomies. My little Meglet’s birthday was last week (HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, BEAUTIFUL!!) and Shanny’s birthday is TODAY! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GORGEOUS!) so I bestowed upon both of them a few gifts in celebration of their 21 years of life! LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!!!!

I need to dye my hair blonde…and get sunglasses.

Does anyone else feel like there’s a lot of March Birthdays? When’s YOUR birthday?

When (and if) you go to the gym, do you prefer to watch TV/listen to music/read? I love walking on the treadmill and watching the tube. I pray one day technology consumes the world so much so that gyms start to include DVD players in the workout machines. I’m 99% sure this will more than likely happen in the next 5 years.


Now I’m off to get as much homework done as I can before Pretty Little Liars. Thank goodness ABC plays it again at 10:00!

p.s. I’m typing this post up at 6:30 and it’s still light outside. Gush.

Bye bye, babydolls!

For more posts, please visit www.peanutbutterjenny.com

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