Who wants to play a game?

Look at my breakfast.
Look closely.

Very closely.

Now tell me, what’s missing?
Hint: This blog is not called Berries and Jenny (though sometimes I think it should be)
No nut butter? Not acceptable.
Of course, I couldn’t let allow a breakfast to go without a spoonful of the good stuff. But, being the food diva that I am, I waited until after I ate the rest of the meal to assemble a breakfast “dessert” of sorts (because every meal should include dessert) so it was still nice and warm.
Following Britt’s lead, I made her banana, PB, and cocoa powder microwave melt.

Microwaved for 30 seconds

Breakfast, consider yourself dessert-ed. (In more ways than one).

Random tidbit: I used to always get confused between the spelling of “dessert” and “desert” until my 5th grade teacher taught me that “dessert” has two s’s because you always want more
That’s resonated with me for years. Woo woo for mnemonic devices.
I need a mnemonic device for learning how to spell mnemonic device.
The weather is absolutely miserable today, so rather than trekking to the gym I’m opting for a pilates/yoga session (or maybe I should try humpilates) then lounging around the house. Hang in there my working ladies, the weekend is just a few hours away 
What are your thoughts on dessert? Although I can’t say I always end every meal with something sweet, I most definitely can not get through the night without putting something in my belly before bed. Usually my “dessert” will include greek yogurt, granola/cereal, and a handful of almonds.
What are your favorite granolas? I’m going to the store this weekend for some back-to-school groceries and am looking to try something new!
For more posts, please visit www.peanutbutterjenny.com