I eat too much

I have tried every diet out there, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Jenny Craig and Spark People. And it's always the same thing...I diet, I lose, I diet, I lose and even now I am munching on some Riceworks Brown Rice crisps.  So I decided, VERY PUBLICLY, to post my food journal, one more to log my journey.  And I also decided to try natural food, because it's like, maybe there is something to all those preservatives that are making me gain weight?  (well, it's a thought).
So, a little about me:  I am fortyish (the ish can swing either way) and weigh, OK,  enough to lose 10 or 20 lbs.   I know it's not the biggest thing to want to lose 10 pounds, but you know what?  I used to weight 120.  So it seems with every year, I gain 1 or 2, which means more and more and yes, guessed it MORE.  I ain't getting any younger, so it's MY time now baby!


Only Natural Food Diet: Day 33, well now I know ya can't keep eating 

Sunday, April 18, 2010 6:49:03 PM
Hi Y'all,
Still only down 3.5 pounds due to my yo-yo eating habits.  I didn't have anything to drink last night, and I am really proud, despite the fact that I ate at this amazing Korean barbeque place in Soho and everyone around me was drinking awesome looking martinis.  I was good, though and had some delicious chicken, a salad, some strange and very spicy Korean appetizers--but me thinks they are not really Korean, just parading under the guise of Korean.  Anyway, today was not too bad either.  Ate this:

Al lright, but before that had a few bites of THIS whopping roll. 

But I did work out today, kind of.  Burned about 107 calories which was probably that 4 bites of a roll.

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