Ahh, maple syrup. I just love everything about it. The flavor, the rich texture, the sweetness. It has always been on of my favorite toppings for waffles and french toast, but I also really just enjoy the taste of maple.
Well, something new for me to try, I was given a small 1.75 fl. oz bottle of Hillside Lane Farm's Vermont Maple Passions Apricot-Orange Maple Syrup, or according to the website, the "Apricot-Orange Nip". I also found out on the website, that they have a few other products as well, like Apple Maple Syrup and Strawberry Maple Syrup! However I was excited to try Apricot-Orange Maple Syrup- it certainly sounds delicious, and not quite like anything I have tried before.
First off, the 1.75 fl, oz bottle is adorable, and it fit in just about the size of my hand. From the outside of the bottle, I saw the syrup- it looked thick, and really did remind me of the color of apricots! A combination of a brown and orange. After opening the bottle, it smelled delicious, and very fruity, just like apricots! I could just tell this was going to be good! :)
And, well, it was! After pouring some out, I noticed it definitely reminded me of maple syrup that I love because it was thick, not runny at all, and it slowly oozed from the bottle. The taste was absolutely delicious- a strong apricot flavor, with hints of orange as well. It certainly was sweet, and very pure and fresh tasting. I was a bit disappointed because I really didn't taste any maple flavor, as the apricot and orange flavors seemed to overpower the maple flavor. It sort of reminded me of apricot preserves or jelly- but instead had the smooth and thick consistency of maple syrup.
Overall, I would eat this again. I think it would be a good syrup to try on plain or whole wheat waffles, or I can even see myself drizzling this on a piece of whole wheat toast with a little butter. It was certainly a nice change, and I really liked that there were only THREE ingredients. A very tasty product! :)
Ingredients: Vt Maple Syrup, Apricot, Orange.