Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mothers out there.
I would like to take this chance to wish my mom, the best mom in the world,a very Happy Mother’s Day. I am blessed to have such a caring &loving mother who is also one of my best friends (my sister is my other best friend). I am so grateful to her for all that she has done for me in the past and continues to do for my family and me. It takes a very special person to be the kind of person that she is. She is one of the most patient people that I know. I only wish that I could have a quarter of the patience that she has.

I love you,Mom!
Now,I am off to prepare a yummy gluten-free breakfast of eggs,hash browns,fruit &toast for my mom. Okay,maybe Aaron will make it because that is what he does – it is his thing. He loves to make a big breakfast when we have company in town. Love him!
A quick meal plan for the week:
Sunday – Leftovers from our get together on Saturday or take-out – Mama is not cooking!
Monday – Bison burgers,sweet potato puffs,asparagus &salad
Tuesday –Spaghetti &marinutta sauce,steamed broccoli &salad
Wednesday – Turkey tacos,corn,black beans &salad
Thursday – Bourbon Chicken,brown rice,sugar snap peas &salad
Friday – Pizza – make your own and salad
Saturday – Leftovers,rotisserie chicken or take–out
For more, please visit www.glutenfreeislife.com