Happy Sunday, beautiful people! Thanks so much for all of the comments, reassurances, and suggestions in response to my coconut woes. I think the consensus is that I’m a straight up foolioand need to make my own coconut butter asap. I agree with both of these statements.
If you can believe it, I actually need your foodie expertise again. I know I know, how do I manage to get through the day without you guys?
As you know, I’m not a vegetarian. However, that’s not to say that I don’t appreciate a good veg. option or new addition to my protein lineup.
After seeing tofu on so many of my favorite blogs (especially recently!) I decided to take the plunge and buy some for myself.
1st of all – I had NO IDEA there were so many different varities.
Extra firm
and of all days, I left my tofu manual at home!
**That was sarcasm. I don’t have a tofu manual (though after yesterday I think I should probably invest in one)**
I opted to buy the Nasoya firm because it was the cheapest and I liked the packaging the most. Those are the most important considerations, right?
I came home from the store, opened up the package, and was at a loss. First of all, water from the package spilled everywhere. Secondly, it smelled like rubber. Finally, the consistence was like a soft cheese, which was NOT like Tina’s buffalo tofu that .I had originally planned on making
After taking stock of the situation tofu-ation, I realized that the consistency of the tofu was similar to hardboiled eggs, so I decided to make egg salad…
…with tofu.
it made more sense in my mind at the time.
I mashed up about 1/4 of the block and added a spoonful of mayo. Taste tested. Ew.
I added another spoonful of mayo.
No luck.
3 spoonfuls later, my tofu egg salad with mayonaisse became mayonaisse salad with tofu.
It was not good.
ick, just looking at this picture makes me feel a little nauseous.
the carrots, celery, and FSTG chips provided a crunchy distraction.
To-fu? more like To-funk. Or toe-funk…because that’s what it tasted like.
So guys, help me out here. What is the secret to tofu? How do you recommend I prepare it? I’ve eaten it (and loved it!) before in frozen entrees and at restaurants so I know I have a taste for it, just not the know-how to make it.
On the agenda for today:
- not eating tofu
- yoga
- TJmaxx
- off to buy a new photography toy Any guesses?
- watching the first season of Pretty Little Liars (for the 3rd time) in anticipation for the season premiere tomorrow!
Have a good one, pies!
- pbj
For more, visit www.pbandjenny.com !