I finally got around to trying these! It only took passing them a few times in the grocery store saying to myself, I really should get those. They look good. And then being distracted by the fact I needed to buy eggs or something else in the store and forgetting to buy them. HOWEVER, I finally bought them, cooked them, and ate them (ok not ALL of them…)
SO, here’s how one biscuit looked out of the oven. I broke it in half

These biscuits were light and fluffy, and absolutely delicious. They were a tad on the pasty side, but not overpowering. I certainly detected a buttermilk flavor which I thought was pleasant, and they had a salty flavor, which I actually really liked. I had 1 (ok… I had more than 1) with my dinner plain and thought they were just fine that way, but another person in my household had it with butter and seemed to enjoy them as well.
Overall, 4 stars. They are a tad high in saturated fat and sodium (330 mg) and have 0 grams of fiber per serving. However, not only delicious, but according to the package, also have “0g trans fat, no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors, no artificial colors”. Sounds like my kind of biscuit!
What’s your favorite way to eat a biscuit? I’m pretty sure I like my plain, or with a little smear of butter!
1 biscuit is 100 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar and 2 grams of protein.
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