Well, there’s something I don’t hear every day. A Blueberry Muffin flavored bar! And an organic one, at that!
Organic Food Bar sent me some bars to try, including the Blueberry Muffin Crunch Bar.
So, I may have gotten a little, “blueberry muffin crunch bar happy” before I took a picture, because I opened the package and took a bite before taking the actual picture. Whoops! Well anyway, here’s a pic of what I got.

Now, onto the bar! It was a dense and chewy bar, that at first wasn’t that fruity tasting, but as I kept chewing, the sweet fruit flavors emerged. I can certainly taste blueberry, which I liked, which was mildly sweet and quite good. There was a bit of an aftertaste that I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was- it almost reminded me of a combination of a fig and flaxseed taste. I didn’t really like that part, but it wasn’t bad overall. I did like the little crunchy pieces that gave it some texture.
Overall, this gets 3 stars. I can’t say it really reminded me of a blueberry muffin. When I think of muffins, I think sweet, airy, fluffy and buttery. This was more like a blueberry fruit bar with crunchy pieces of nuts and such. I do like that it was organic, had 6 grams of fiber per serving, and was vegan as well!
What’s your favorite muffin flavor? If you’d like to answer, please leave a comment below
I’m a fan of banana muffins, and double chocolate chip muffins. Yum!
1 bar is 180 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 32 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fiber, 14 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.
For more, visit www.healthnuttxo.com