Time for another cereal/breakfast related giveaway…. my favorite! Today I’m reviewing a box of granola from Nature’s Path- the Organic PomegranPlus Granola with Cherries!
This sounded so good to me before I opened the box. I was picturing a fruity, sweet yet tart granola with a bunch of cherries and whatnot. However, here’s what I got when I opened the box.
Where are my cherries!?!
As you can see, quite a bit of granola, not that many cherries. I think I found 5 in the entire box, about the size of a pencil eraser each. So that was disappointing.
I still had hope. I was like, ok well maybe it will still taste really good. I took a big cluster (which points for Nature’s Path there- I LOVE when granola has big clusters. Great for snacking out of the box!). It was crispy and crunchy, but overall kind of bland. Very mild sweetness and a mild coconut flavor. I really didn’t detect any pomegranate or cherry at all 
The few cherries that I did have were sweet and chewy. Throughout my box I even got a random flake in it which I actually found quite funny, what are YOU doing here I thought.
Overall, 2 1/2 stars. I do like that it was organic, had big clusters, and that the serving size is 3/4 of a cup for 250 calories. I just overall found it quite off, and quite bland. Certainly not one I would eat from the box, but perhaps with a flavored yogurt would be good.
3/4 cup is 250 calories, 9 grams of fat, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, 13 grams of sugar and 5 grams of protein.
I received this box of granola from Nature’s Path for free.