Kinnikinnick Blueberry Donuts–Good & Bad News
Thursday, May 5, 2011 7:14:55 PM
It was just last month that I was able to sample the newest variety of Kinnikinnick’s donuts – Blueberry. These were by far the best donut that I have tasted since starting the gluten-free diet! I couldn’t get over how good they were! I have good news & bad news about these donuts. Which do you like to get first – good or bad news? I always choose bad news first because the good news usually cheers me up a bit.

The bad news is that they are not a permanent fixture in the line up. The good news is that Kinnikinnick is extending the time that these are available until the end of May!!!! Maybe if they get enough positive feedback they will add these to the permanent line up! Make sure to let Kinnikinnick know your thoughts here on their blog or on Twitter. The donuts can be ordered from the Kinnikinnick website which always has a flat shipping rate of $10, so stock up!
So, 2 questions – are you a good news first or bad news first person? Have you tried these donuts yet?
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