During my weekly Sunday grocery shopping trip this week, the Kraft* Deli Slices cheese were on sale. I normally pick up cheddar, muenster or provolone, but decided to stray from the ordinary & picked up the havarti slices this time. I was excited to see what fun combos I could come up with using the havarti this week and began with some inspiration from a recipe on the package itself.
I was trying to come up with the best way to describe havarti cheese to you all in case you were not familiar with it and decided that Cheese.com did a much better job than I was doing:
Havarti is a traditional, creamery and semi-soft. It is a simple, washed-rind cheese with irregular holes throughout. There is an enriched version, with added cream which is softer and feels more luxurious in the mouth. There is also a version with caraway seeds. Havarti is named after the farm in Denmark where Hanne Nielsen first made it.
The recipe on the back of the package called for some ingredients that I did not have on hand, so I improvised & came up with my own version that turned out awesome, if I do say so myself.

Havarti Tuna Melt
1 can (5 oz. tuna, drained)
2 Tbsp. Hellman’s Canola Mayo
1 Tbsp. dried blueberries (The original recipe called for cranberries and since I was out, blueberries it was!)
1/4 tsp. dill weed
2 slices Kraft Havarti Cheese
2 Food for Life GF English Muffin or Trader Joe’s GF French Roll
1. Combine first 4 ingredients.
2. Split and lightly toast muffin/roll
3. Evenly distribute tuna mixture amongst the 4 halves and top with cheese.
4. Place halves under broiler until cheese is melted & bubbly.
5. Enjoy!
This will serve 2 – 4 people. (2 for a meal, 4 if pairing with soup or a large salad)
I loved the addition of dill in the tuna salad and the blueberries were the prefect, tiny bursts of sweet! While I normally love cheddar on my tuna melts, topped with Red Hot or Sriracha, the havarti cheese was creamy & paired well with the dill and dried blueberries. I am thinking of making another batch as I sit here and write this post. It was that good! I should probably add this recipe to my “weird combinations” list, right?
*As far as Kraft goes, they are one of the companies that will clearly label any gluten on the label, so choosing their products over another brand is a no brainer for me. Read more gluten-free information from Kraft here. I love to support companies that make my life easier.
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