Brace yourselves for a post full of oohing, aahhing and gushing over a product. I was sent a complimentary sample of Glutino Chocolate Covered Pretzels by Mambo Sprouts last week. It didn’t take Jon and I long to dig into this product.
Glutino just recently debuted Chocolate Covered & Yogurt Covered Pretzels. I found them available for purchase on glutenfreemall.com, but after paying the $5.99/bag price, the shipping is $12! I decided to bide my time and wait until they hit local stores. Mambo Sprouts surprised me and came to the rescue with a sample box of gluten-free foods, which just happened to include the chocolate covered pretzels. I used to eat yogurt & chocolate covered pretzels growing up, so this was such a nice treat.
I can’t even begin to describe how good these pretzels were! I even had family & friends sample them at our Mother’s Day function and they were a huge hit! There was no telling that these were gluten-free. The chocolate complimented the salty pretzel perfectly! Jon was a little irritated that we got into “his” pretzels. LOL! I did allow him to finish them off – that, my friends, is real love. You know, the kind of love a mother has for their child.
The only bad thing about these pretzels, aside from the price and there not being more in the bag, were that they were kind of melted together from shipping. This didn’t alter the taste one bit, or didn’t seem to.
I can’t wait to get my hands on the yogurt covered pretzels now. Perhaps $12 in shipping doesn’t seem so bad now. 
Have you tried the yogurt or chocolate covered pretzels? If so, where did you find them?