Ever heard of Carob Powder? I remember reading about carob instead of cocoa when I was younger in health magazines and whatnot, but never actually tried it. But I was sent a free can of Carob Powder from Chatfield’s/PANOS Brands and now had the opportunity to do so.
According to the can, there is “No Chocolate, Cocoa or Caffeine” in this powder, and is also “all natural”. I wanted to make a batch of homemade brownies, but saw that it called for cocoa powder. Coincidentally, the back of the can of carob powder said “If substituting for cocoa, replace with equal measure”. So, I ended up making the brownies with half carob powder and half cocoa powder.
Comparing cocoa to carob powder, they are similar in appearance, but I’d say carob has a deeper smell, and a different taste. I noticed that my brownies had a very rich and deep chocolate-like taste, with just a slight bit of bitterness.
Have you ever tried carob powder? What do you use it for?
1 tbsp is 20 calories, 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 3 grams of sugar and 0 grams of protein.
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