I went grocery shopping yesterday, and was looking at the frozen food aisle for something to make for dinner. Then I spotted it, mashed potatoes! I definitely wanted mashed potatoes for dinner. And how easy were these? All I had to do was cook them in the microwave, give em a stir and transfer to a bowl. I put them in my grocery cart, paid, and went home to cook.
I put them in the microwave for about 10 1/2 minutes, let them sit for a minute, and then put them in a bowl. I will admit it was a bit annoying to get all the mashed potatoes off of the bag once cooked, but I really couldn’t complain. I mean, I didn’t have to wash the potatoes, peel the potatoes, boil the potatoes, cook the potatoes, mash the potatoes, or even SEASON the potatoes. All I had to do was put them in the microwave. So, instead of complaining, I just transferred them to a bowl.
Here’s how it looked, straight from the bag!

I served them up with my dinner. They were smooth and thick, with visible black pepper and red potato skins that added a little texture. I noticed they were a tad on the pasty side, which made them super thick, but still good, and hardly any bumps.
They had a garlic and cheesy flavor, with a noticeable black pepper flavor.They were just a tad on the salty side, but really quite good, and had a very rich flavor. They were really quite delicious, and I loved the natural ingredients.
I actually think the black pepper flavor was a bit too strong, but that certainly did not stop me from eating 2 servings of these mashed potatoes (; I also loved the convenience of these, I would certainly buy them again! 4 stars
Whats your favorite way to make homemade mashed potatoes? I like good ol’ butter and milk!
And as requested, here’s a pic of the nutritional facts

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